Trick Or Treat - The Promo Video

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The team turn the lights down in the detailers den to create the trailer for our 2015 Halloween Trick or Treat promotion. The much-awaited yearly offer is one of only a handful of promotional offers we have, and this year we wanted to make it bigger and better than ever before. The creation of the limited edition Halloween wax is not for sale, you can only get one by ordering whilst the promotion is running, and the free air freshener that customers are familiar to receiving with their order also had a makeover for the Halloween offer in the form of a voodoo doll. The video brings all these elements together to tell the tale of a poor neglected little VW Caddy truck calling out to the undead to come and resurrect its shine. We hope you enjoyed it.

Trick Or Treat - The Promo Video - Trick or Treat - promo video