Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power
Citrus Power

Citrus Power bug & grime remover is a versatile citrus pre-wash an essential that no car detailing kit should ever b... See product details More

Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

The summer is here and it's not looking to be going anywhere any time soon, and neither are those flies that your vehicle is swatting on a daily basis. That's where the Auto Finesse Citrus Power Bug and Grime remover comes in!

Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

Have you ever washed your car and had to spend way more time than needed on that front end ridding it of blood and dead flies (the blood - we're assuming - being from said dead flies)?! Well, you could halve that time and more with our ultimate in pre-washes - Citrus Power.

Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

Citrus Power Citrus Pre-Wash is an absolute essential in any detailer's kit bag. It's a ready-to go, easy-to use (simply spray on, allow several minutes to dwell and wash off) solution of advanced degreasing agents and natural citrus cleaners. It removes bugs and grimy residue without the need for any scrubbing or putting unnecessary pressure onto paintwork ahead of the contact wash stage. Thanks to its unique blend of ingredients, it's even gentle enough to use on the top of protective layers such as wax and sealant.

Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

How To Use

It really couldn't be more simple. Just rinse off the area you want treating with water (ideally you would be using a jet wash for this) and apply Citrus Power liberally to the surface, allow to dwell for several minutes to allow the solution to work its magic, and rinse off. Follow with the snow foam stage, or the contact wash stage. We would always advise going in with a snow foam before any contact wash. However, if it is that you're using Citrus Power as your complete pre-wash, ensure it is sprayed liberally over the entire vehicle. Once you've allowed it to dwell for several minutes, rinse off thoroughly before beginning the contact wash stage. For best results, those several minutes are super important - the more time the solution has to target the area the more effective it will be, but do keep an eye on it! Don't allow it to dry on the surface before you rinse it off. The rinsing off of any pre-wash (including snow foam) should ideally be done using a pressure washer to further wash away any loose particles.

Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash
Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash - AF’s Summer Essential: Citrus Power Pre-wash

AF Top Tips

DO NOT allow Citrus Power to dry or bake onto surfaces. To avoid this, don't use in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. If it starts to dry, rinse off immediately. Citrus Power can also be used as a quick detailer that you wash off. Simply spray onto a clean, dry vehicle (no need to dwell) and rinse thoroughly before drying off. In winter, or on really grubby cars, apply to the lower part of the car, snow foam over the top and jet wash the two solutions off together - ideal for adding a bit of extra bite to the snow foam stage. Citrus Power is safe to use on paintwork, wheels, glass, plastic, as well as rubber trims. It doesn't stop there, though; it's a great pre-wash for the engine bay, motorcycle engines and even lacquered door shuts and fuel filler caps.

Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power Citrus Power
Citrus Power

Citrus Power bug & grime remover is a versatile citrus pre-wash an essential that no car detailing kit should ever be without. Designed to aid the perfect s... See product details More
