A Trip To Eagle E-types
Ok, So For Those That Don't Know, Who Is Eagle E-Types?
Eagle E-Types was established 35 years ago and we've worked hard to earn the reputation of offering the very best Jaguar E-Types in the world, developing an extensive catalogue of upgrades and enhancements in the process. These enhancements and upgrades range from small items such as reliable windscreen washers and wipers to speed-sensitive electric power steering and integrated recirculating air conditioning units. We manufacturer our own five-speed aluminium gearboxes, along with 4.7-litre all-aluminium engines. We are constantly developing and moving forward with what we can offer, along with helping to reduce weight by using materials such as magnesium, titanium and Inconel - all of which is done in-house at our rural workshop in the South East of England. The essence of Eagle E-Types is to modernise (in terms of technology, safety, reliability and performance) while retaining the classic charm and character of the original.

In 2009 we revealed our re-imagining of the Jaguar E-Type: The Eagle Speedster. Following that we launched the Low Drag GT and Spyder GT - both of which are exotic aluminium-bodied, based on the original. The first was a flowing grand-touring coupe built to devour States in great style and comfort and the second was fundamentally a Speedster with the addition of a convertible top. We also have the Lightweight GT coming, which is expected to be revealed later in the year.

How Do You Prep Your Vehicles For Delivery?
Well here at Eagle are very proud of how far we've come and keen that the hard work isn't undone at the final stage. In fact prepping the vehicles for delivery is a no effort spared process. We are meticulous in our prep work. It requires a lot of patience and a great deal of hours to ensure the cars are to our level of expectation by the time the customer arrives to pick it up. We also use some of the best products available. Auto Finesse Ultra Glaze Pint Glaze in particular is a great product for finishing our paintwork.

Any prepping Tips You Can Offer?
As I previously mentioned, the devil really is in the detail. You can't go through all the hard work of research and development and then production and undo it all in the final prep. Patience is also a virtue. You need to want the finish and we employ the best people to do that - people that care about the end result.

Any Future Plans To Speak Of?
Future plans would be to just continue to improve what we do at every opportunity. As better products, materials and techniques emerge - you're always learning and evolving. The key is never to let your business become stale. We will continue to be open-minded, consider new ideas and avoid becoming complacent. We have more exciting new developments already underway to follow in the footsteps of our special editions. The current project in the R&D department is the Lightweight GT which will be revealed later in the year, which it is a very cool car indeed. Watch this space, that's all I'm going to say